Biofuel Expo 2025
International Exhibition on Biofuel Manufacturing Process & Technology, Plant Machinery & Equipment's and Allied Industries
International Exhibition focus on Biofuel (Bio diesel, Ethanol, Biogas, Hydrogen) Manufacturers, Biofuel Plant ‘s Equipment’s & Machine Manufacturers, Biofuel Refineries.& Allied Industries is a platform for the major stakeholders of the Biofuelproducers’ industry and their buyers to find out the new business opportunities. The expo will provide the latest key trends in national and international Biofuel industry.
Major Partners
Exhibitors worldwide
Countries Participation
Business & knowledge Activities
Business Visitors
Exhibitor Profile
- Biofuel (Biodiesel, Ethanol, Biogas, Hydrogen) Manufacturers
- Biofuel Plant's Equipment's & Machine Manufacturers
- Biofuel Manufacturing Technologies
- Bio Refinery (Ethanol/Biofuel) Units
- Boiler, Steam Turbine & Air Compressor Manufacturers
- Fabricators & Consultants
- Research & Development Organizations
- Government Institutions
- EPC Solution Companies for Bio Ethanol Industries
- EPC Machinery for Bio Ethanol Plant Manufacturers
- Beer, Malt, Wine, Carbonated Drink, Starch, Fruit Juice, Alcohol Grain, and Molasses, Malt Spirits Whiskey process & Machinery Suppliers
- EPC solution for Grain Unloading and Milling Section
- Grain Processing Machinery
- Pre Cleaner, Vibro Classifier, Destoners, Material Handling, Aspiration System, Hammer Mill
- Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers & Parts Manufacturers
- Heavy Material Handling & Movement Equipment Manufacturers
Register Now

Past Speakers

Mr. Jonathan Charles Searby
JS Power Ltd

Mr. Prem Bhonge
Managing Director at Can Group of Industries

Dr D.K Raga Ranjan
VP:R&D, Businesses Operation
Higher Yield of Biofuel - CAN GROUP

Mr. Ajay Yadav (IAS)
Joint Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt of India

Dr. Anasuya Bhadalkar
Joint Director, (BD & HRD),
Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission

Prof Anoop Kanaujia
Assistant Professor Sugar
Engineering at National Sugar Institute

Mr Bhupinder Singh Bhalla
(IAS) Secretary,
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt of India

Dr. D.K Raga Ranjan
VP, R&D Business Operation
Hither Yield of Biofuel-Can Group of

Lt. Col. Mohnish Ahuja (Rtd.)
Managing Director

Mr. Naeem Abass
Founder & Chief Technolgy Officer, Lokus Energy Limited United Kingdom

Shri Pankaj Agarwal (IAS)
Secretary, Ministry of Power Goverment Of India*

Shri Praveen Mal Khanooja (IAS)
Additional Secretary to GOI
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Govt of India*

Mr. Rafik Mankad
CMD Biotexus Energy Pvt Ltd

Mr. Sachin Chugh
Associate Director
Hydrogen Lead India, ARUP UK*

Dr Saleem Farooqui
Pr Scientist CSIR IIP

Dr Sangita M Kasture
Scientist G,
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Govt of India

Mr.SR Meena
Scientist D (Biogas),
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Govt of

Dr SSV Ramakumar
Dr SSV Ramakumar Advisor
to Chairman Indian Oil Corporation Ltd

Mr. Sujit Pillai
Scientist F, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Govt of India

Dr. Rahul Jain
Deputy Program Manager
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)

Mr. Kilaru Vamsi Krishna
Senior Manager Projects
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd

Mr. Eske Bo Knudsen Rosenberg
Consul General of Denmark
& Head of Energy
South Asia and
Centre Denmark, Ind ia
Mr. Dharmendra Sharma
Managing Director
Mamleshwar Clean Fuel Pvt Ltd

Deputy General Manager
Desmet India Corporation Private Limited
Mr. Dattani K Vaibhav
Non Executive Chairman & CEO
Shubhshree Biofuels Energy Ltd.

Mr. Ajay Yadav (IAS)
Joint Secretary
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Govt of India

Mr. Pradeep Dhoakre
Chairman & Managing Director of universal Forces Industries Pvt Ltd.

Mr. Sanjay Desai
Chairman & MD
Regreen Excel EPC India Pvt Ltd.

Mr. V.N. Raina
Director General
All India Distillery Assocition(AIDA)

Mr. Bharat Bhushan
Manager -
Sales & Marketing

Mr. Karthik Kumar
Avant Garde System & Engineer pvt Ltd.

Mr. Pankaj Rastogi
CEO - Dalmiya sugar Ltd.

Lt Col Manish Ahuja
Chairman & Managing Director
Punjab Renewable Energy System Private
Limited (PRESPL)

Mrs. Priya Gade
Sr. Manager
Mojji Engineering System Ltd.

Colonel Rohit Dev
Expert Advisor, IBA
New Delhi

Mr. Eduardo Uziel
Charge D'Affaires

Mr. Raghav Handa
Director-Strategic, Business Development, Govt Affairs and Sustainability

Mr. Rishabh Varma
Assistant General Manager
ACME Cleantech Solution

Chinmoy Chakaborty
Regional Advisor, Indian Blogas Assocition

Mr. Ashish Paliwal
Sector Expert & Commercil
Head Bio-Energy
Royal Danish Embassy,
New Delhi

Prasad Rajeram Ghawate
Rajganga Bioreflneries

Santanu Roy
Principal Advisor
Green Hydrogen Gps Renewables

Santanu Roy
Director General
Biodiesel Manufacturers Association of India